Feature "Security"
Digital Security, Trust & Consumer Protection – Call for Contributions
Feature "DNS"
QPI: A “Call to Arms” on Responsible Growth
Inma Del Rosal Mendez and Brian Cimbolic from PIR explain how the Quality Performance Index supports a reduction in abusive domain registrations.
Feature "Security"
Open and Secure Communication Platforms for Cooperation and Innovation
Using Ethernet VLANs for secure connections - the community ecosystems of the future? Jeroen van de Lagemaat from NDIX talks about securing health and emergency services.
Feature "DNS"
Let’s End Counter-Productive Anti DNS Abuse Reporting
Natasha Pelham-Lacey from CleanDNS, on improving an imperfect system to lower the bar for reporting abuse and increasing takedowns.
Feature "DNS"
Evidence Equals Better DNS Abuse Mitigation
Gia Isabella from CleanDNS addresses the creation of standards for evidence of Internet abuse to expedite the handling of abusive content.
Feature "DNS"
DNS Abuse: Everyone’s Problem
Lars Forsberg from iQ looks at the need for awareness of DNS abuse, especially of the new gTLDs, because with awareness comes the ability to act.
Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
AI and Cybersecurity – What to Expect and How to Protect your Organization
Innovations in AI are making social engineering attacks on companies more effective, explains Dr. Niklas Hellemann from SoSafe Cyber Security Awareness.
Feature "Cybersecurity"
The Human Element of IT Security
Human behavior can undermine the development of an effective IT security culture in companies at home and abroad. In particular, cultural differences in the approach to IT security must be taken into account in order to mitigate possible risks.
Feature "Cybersecurity"
Whatever, put a chip in it
The careless days in IoT are numbered: Sebastian Floss explores the value of Security by Design for IoT devices, and offers 4 simple rules to get started.
Feature "Security"
Governments are Embracing Hacking: What does that Mean for Everyone Else?
Governments’ eagerness to avail of hacking has helped generate a dubious ‘grey market’ for zero-day vulnerabilities, warns Ryan Polk from the Internet Society.
Feature "Security"
Privacy by Design in Product Development
Data protection and user privacy have become much more important for the development of digital products. Jutta Horstmann from eyeo explains how companies can implement a Privacy by Design approach in product development, and how this can support rather than hinder innovation.
Feature "Data Center"
Next Level Data Center Security
Toan Nguyen from e-shelter explores secure access to data centers thanks to hand vein scanners and blockchain.
Feature "DDoS"
The Dangers of DDoS Overconfidence
Chris Townsley, EMEA Director at CDNetworks, discusses the rising threat of DDoS attacks, and the misplaced confidence of European businesses in their ability to overcome cyber attacks.
Feature "Data Center"
Understanding and Mitigating Risks to Data Center Operation
Given the strategic value of data centers to digital transformation, it is important for data center operators to have a very clear view of the risks they face – ranging from DDoS to the GDPR – according to Gerd Simon, Independent Consultant and Lead Auditor for the eco Datacenter Star Audit.
Feature "IoT"
Smart Lock Market Growth Boosted By the Rising Popularity of Smartphones
Smart lock technology simplifies access management for both users and administrators, without compromising security, writes Sanna Räsänen from Herman IT.
Feature "Cloud Native"
When Hacks Target Software: What SMEs Should Know About Cloud Native Technology
Nils Klute from EuroCloud explains how IT risks such as log4j can be easily fended off with cloud native technologies.
Feature "Networks"
Business Continuity in Lockdown
Shifting workloads, managing security breaches, and serving customers remotely – Sylvia List from NTT Germany explains companies’ evolving reactions to lockdown.
Feature "Security"
The Shared Responsibility Model – an Important Basis of Cloud Security
Sebastian Grau from root360 provides an overview of the security responsibilities for companies, MSPs and cloud service providers for safeguarding sensitive data.
Feature "Security"
Saving your Data for the Day After Tomorrow
In 2019, a record 50 exabyte of data was delivered on tape globally. Melina Schnaudt from Fujifilm Recording Media GmbH explains why tape is standard in the field of data archiving now and will continue to be in the future.
Feature "DDoS"
Carpet Bombing on Digital Infrastructures – Pragmatic Approaches in DDoS Protection and Data Protection
New attack types like Carpet Bombing require specialized protection of hosting & ISP IT landscapes, warns Michael Hempe from Link11 GmbH.
Feature "Security"
Smartphones as Wallet for the Future?
Christian Lueg from ESET sheds light on what our smartphone knows about us, and how to improve privacy and security on it.
Feature "Interconnection"
Improving the Security and Resilience of the Internet through MANRS
MANRS brings together network operators, ISPs, and IXPs to improve routing hygiene, increasing the security and resilience of the Internet, Christoph Dietzel from DE-CIX explains.
Feature "IoT"
Securing IoT: Closing the Gateway into the Company Network
Maik Morgenstern, CTO of the AV-TEST Institute, reports on how the AV-ATLAS collects data about attacks on the Internet of Things (IoT) and supports in defending against them.
Industry Insights "IoT"
Shaping the Digital Production Age
Feature "Identity Management"
Securing Hospital Workplaces
How can hospitals not just boost quality of care, but also upgrade security? Dr. Nils Kaufmann, OGiTiX Software, explains how the merger of two health tech giants creates a 360° IAM set of solutions for hospitals.
Feature "Security"
The Sectors at Risk from DDoS and Bot Attacks: How to Stop them
Andrew Slastenov from Gcore, on the risks of DDoS and bots and how to protect company systems and networks.
Feature "Company Security"
Why More and More Companies Move their Data to Tape
2019 was a record-breaking year for tape technology: never before has so much capacity been delivered on tape. Melina Schnaudt from Fujifilm Recording Media GmbH shows why.
Feature "Connectivity"
When Time Stands Still: Why Redundant Connectivity Is Essential in the Digital Age
Dr. Thomas King, CTO at DE-CIX, explains why companies should secure their IT infrastructure via redundant lines, and what exactly lies behind the term redundancy.
Industry Insights "Connectivity"
Securing Hospital Workplaces
Feature "DDoS"
The Most Dangerous DDoS Attacks of our Time
Dmitry Samoshkin from G-Core Labs advises on what you need to know about DDoS attacks and how to prepare for them.
Feature "Security"
Cyber Security in the EU
First EU-wide cyber security rules established - What's new for European companies? Interview with Thorsten Ihler from Fieldfisher
Feature "DNS"
Next Steps in Combatting DNS Abuse
Thomas Rickert and Lars Steffen from the eco Association take stock and give an outlook on collaborating in the fight against abuse involving the DNS.
Feature "Company Security"
Why IT Security is Like Shopping for Christmas
There are three striking similarities between IT security and shopping for Christmas. Most of us have too much stuff to begin with. Also, there is too much theatre involved. And finally, socks. You can enjoy a holiday season without worries if you keep these things in mind.
Industry Insights "Company Security"
The Dangers of DDoS Overconfidence
Cyber Security & Data Protection in Japan
The Human Element of IT Security
Feature "Cloud Computing"
Baking Security into the Cloud: DevSecOps and Cloud Native
Developers, operations professionals, and security experts need to work hand-in-hand in the public cloud to ensure the security of applications, writes Nils Klute from EuroCloud.
Feature "Networks"
Measuring Internet Routing Security
Megan Kruse from the Internet Society introduces the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative, which addresses the most common routing threats.
Feature "Networks"
How can Enterprises Safeguard their Data and Digital Resources?
Dr. Thomas King from DE-CIX explains how an IX platform can shield networks from a range of malicious and accidental security incidents.
Industry Insights "Networks"
Carpet Bombing on Digital Infrastructures – Pragmatic Approaches in DDoS Protection and Data Protection
Feature "E-Health"
Healthy and Secure – the DNS as a Key Component for a VPN
Security is architecturally anchored in telematics infrastructure to protect e-health applications from abuse, says Sven-Holger Wabnitz from CentralNic.
Industry Insights "E-Health"
Cybersecurity in the Hospital Environment – How can Hospitals Protect Themselves from Hacker Attacks?
Feature "IoT"
Security by Design – New Security Testing Standard for IoT Devices
Tatjana Hein and Cornelia Schildt from the eco Association give an insight into the development of a security standard and label for IoT.
Industry Insights "IoT"
Smartphones as Wallet for the Future?
Congratulations on Your New Business – We Need to Talk
Feature "Security"
Mandatory Certifications Key to Increased IoT Security
How can Europe-wide standards help close security vulnerabilities and gateways, and ensure secure IoT devices? Tatjana Hein from eco explores the possibilities.
Industry Insights "Security"
When Hacks Target Software: What SMEs Should Know About Cloud Native Technology
Not in Our Domain: How EURid is Using AI and Global Cooperation to Tackle Cybercrime
Control Your Digital Brand: On the Interplay of Defensive Domain Registrations, Active Monitoring, and Brand Enforcement
Feature "Cybersecurity"
Ransomware Has Not Just Been Around Since Yesterday
Michael Weirich from the eco Association, on the impact of ransomware on companies and the need for a contingency plan.
Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"
The Sectors at Risk from DDoS and Bot Attacks: How to Stop them
Feature "IoT"
Securing Intelligent Healthcare
Verizon’s Alexander Schlager looks at security threats for IoT solutions in healthcare, and what to do about them.
Feature "New Work"
Safe & Secure Technology & Tools in the Hybrid World of Work
Seeking to bolster the safe & secure use of New Work technology and tools in post-Covid times? Pick up a range of tips from eco experts and partners.
Feature "Security"
Trustworthiness Creates Trust
Prof. Norbert Pohlmann from the eco Association and Ulla Coester from xethix Empowerment on the approach IT companies need to take to engender trust.
Industry Insights "Security"
DMARC is Here to Stay. Now What?
Feature "Internet Governance"
Working Together Towards Trust – doteditorial
The joined forces of many different stakeholders is needed to allow trust in digitalization to flourish, says Lars Steffen, Director of eco International.
Industry Insights "Internet Governance"
Legality, Security & Ethics in the Digitalized World
Creating a Federated Blockchain as a Service Platform
Feature "DNS"
Why Preventing, Mitigating & Fighting Abuse Concern Everyone
Thomas Rickert and Lars Steffen from the eco Association, on the importance of acting and collaborating in the fight against abuse involving the DNS.
Feature "Security"
Cybersecurity & Data Protection – Public Security & Individual Freedom: doteditorial
For society to accept and use IT technologies and services, they must be secure and trustworthy. Prof. Norbert Pohlmann, Board Member for IT Security at eco Association, explores the balancing of state, community, and individual needs for cyber protection.