
Feature "Digital Infrastructure"
Digital Infrastructures – Call for Contributions
Digital infrastructure enables the connectivity that we all enjoy and take for granted. dotmagazine’s Call for Contributions on how digital infrastructures lay the foundation for our digital world.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
A Day in the Life of a Cyber Policeman
What gives cyber policemen sleepless nights? Dirk Kunze talks about serious cyber crime and seriously terrifying cyber crime
Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"
Cyber Security in the EU

Feature "Video Streaming"
Quality and Security: Two Steps to Digital Content Delivery Success
Martin Hellmer from Akamai explains the key elements required for delivering high-quality video content to an ever-growing global audience.

Feature "Online Gaming"
Hosting Virtual Game Worlds and Always-On Enterprises
How many online gamers does it take to fill a network? dotmagazine spoke to Emile Schouwstra from about the challenges of latency in a global gaming environment, and how to deal with tens of millions of people playing one game simultaneously.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
Companies Must React to Data Growth Strategically
All communication services from one single source and via one single port – a practical solution to the growing data volume thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0. Alexander Frese from ITENOS explains.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
The Human Element of IT Security
Human behavior can undermine the development of an effective IT security culture in companies at home and abroad. In particular, cultural differences in the approach to IT security must be taken into account in order to mitigate possible risks.

Feature "Routing & Reachability"
Anycast: The State-of-the-Art Technology to Secure Your Online Presence
So you have done everything to protect your online presence: You have redundant web servers, firewalls, DDoS protection in a high security data center, and much more. But… have you also considered your domain name server? If not, this could be your single point of failure, Klaus Darilion from explains.

Feature "Video Streaming"
How the Video Medium can be Efficiently Integrated into Existing IT
Today, employees want to use videos for communication at their workplaces just as much as they do in their private lives. This means IT departments must face the challenge of how to integrate the video medium into existing IT infrastructures. The best way for them to master this task is with an Enterprise Video Platform.

Feature "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
Live Broadcasting – Driving the Infrastructure Requirements and Technologies of Future Viewing
What is the impact of a major international sporting event on Internet traffic flows? What are the infrastructure challenges for delivering live sporting coverage via streaming? How do fans use second screens during international tournaments? How can providers offer their end-customers the best of both worlds when it comes to sport viewing pleasure? And when will it be possible to have a fully immersive VR experience of live sporting events from the comfort of your own home? Klaus Landefeld, Board Member for Infrastructure and Networks at the eco Association, explains.

Feature "Internet Governance"
Enhancing the Operational Stability of the Internet
In the multi-stakeholder discussions on who should control the Internet and how it should be done, someone needs to speak for the Internet infrastructure providers. Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Chair of the ISPCP in ICANN, explains how ISPs and connectivity providers are represented, and how they can join the global discussions themselves.

Feature "Email"
The Challenges of Fighting Phishing
Terry Zink, Program Manager at Microsoft, talked to eco’s Rosa Hafezi during the 2017 CSA Summit about getting phishers off your network and keeping them off.

Feature "Digital Infrastructure"
Fixing systems since 1995 – Interview with Dr. Thomas King
How Dr. Thomas King, CTO of DE-CIX, built his first networks and chose his vocation as a "doctor of the Internet."

Feature "Networks"
One Million FTTH Connections – Data Volumes Pose the Biggest Challenge
Stefan Kreibig from inexio explains how the inexio network has evolved since inception, and writes about their ambitious goals for fiber-to-the-house connections.

Feature "Networks"
AI for Network Infrastructure
Dr. Thomas King, CTO of DE-CIX, gives an overview of the company’s first forays into artificial intelligence solutions for maintaining high-quality interconnection services.

Feature "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
Digital Infrastructure - Key to Economic Development
The key to the digital future – of manufacturing, logistics, travel, retail, and communication – is providing secure, low-latency digital infrastructure. Cinia Group’s Jukka-Pekka Joensuu looks at how the new industrial revolution will change the way business is done around the globe.

Feature "Networks"
Why Fixed and Mobile Networks are Merging
The promotion of broadband in Germany is enabling us to enter the digital age, with all its opportunities: a smart infrastructure and the transformation of the economy. What role does convergence play in this and what challenges must be overcome?

Feature "Routing & Reachability"
DE-CIX IXs Growing Where Submarine Data Flows Connect Continents
Fundamental to the global network of networks that makes up the Internet are the undersea cables that span the oceans connecting continents. One fundamental seabed for submarine interconnectivity is the Mediterranean Basin, home to fiber connecting Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. dotmagazine spoke to Theresa Bobis, Regional Director South Europe at DE-CIX, about two new cables that landed in Marseille and Palermo in late 2016, and why the Mediterranean is important to future global traffic flow.

Feature "Sustainability"
How to Approach Sustainability in the Network Industry
Planning to incorporate sustainability into your business models? Pick up on tips for a framework devised by, ranging from certification standards to monitoring software.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Cyber Security: Dancing with Wolves
Independent consultant Gerd Simon offers advice for companies on improving IT security and undertaking an effective risk assessment for cyber security.

Feature "Networks"
Secure SD-WAN – Helping CIOs Meet their Goals
Is it possible for CIOs to both reduce costs and increase agility, and at the same time ensure security and compliance? Yes, says Jack Miller, CISO at Open Systems.

Feature "Routing & Reachability"
The Journey of a Data Packet
How does the message we type get transmitted to its recipient? It’s all about routers, fiber, and the light in the fibers, as Wolfgang Tremmel, Head of the DE-CIX Academy, tells dotmagazine in interview.

Feature "Networks"
Business Continuity in Lockdown
Shifting workloads, managing security breaches, and serving customers remotely – Sylvia List from NTT Germany explains companies’ evolving reactions to lockdown.

Feature "Digital Education"
Closing the Gap – Preparing the Workforce of the Interconnected Future
Professor Miquel Oliver from the UPF Barcelona, on the DE-CIX/UPF Interconnection Academy, aimed at overcoming the scarcity of interconnection specialists.

Feature "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
European Companies Risk Success in China Through Slow Websites
Alex Nam explains the findings of a survey by CDNetworks showing the enormous potential and brand image that European organizations are losing due to bad loading times in China, and offers advice for getting the company website functioning behind the Great Firewall of China.

Feature "DDoS"
Carpet Bombing on Digital Infrastructures – Pragmatic Approaches in DDoS Protection and Data Protection
New attack types like Carpet Bombing require specialized protection of hosting & ISP IT landscapes, warns Michael Hempe from Link11 GmbH.

Feature "Networks"
From Carrier Pigeons to Fiber Carriers
Klaas Mertens, Global Solutions Architect, Equinix, on why distance still matters so much in modern network communications.

Feature "Digital Infrastructure"
Designing 5G Networks for the Mobility Challenge
Gerd Simon from the Data Center Group, on how to build 5G networks that are reliable and energy-efficient and will meet the needs of the future of mobility.

Feature "Networks"
Southern Europe – a Pivotal Region for Global Data Traffic
Location is becoming vital for the delivery of digital content and services, says Theresa Bobis from DE-CIX, and Southern Europe is ideally placed for global traffic flows.
Industry Insights "Networks"
Data, Collaboration and Internet Society Pulse

Feature "Digital Transformation"
The Evolution of Interconnection into Business Strategy
With the digital transformation of countless ecosystems, the strategic role of interconnection is becoming a clear competitive advantage for companies from all sectors. This, in turn, drives the evolution of services and communication for infrastructure providers. Stephan Rohloff, CMO at DE-CIX, talks to dotmagazine about the changing interconnection landscape, and customer communication.

Feature "Renewable Energy"
Blackouts, Renewable Energy, and Powering IT Reliably
Volatile renewable energy is increasingly important for national and internationally connected power grids, but, according to Judith Ellis, care is needed to provide stable power for critical infrastructure and sensitive IT processes.
Industry Insights "Renewable Energy"
Innovative Approaches to Energy Efficiency in Data Centers
A UPS Solution with Kinetic Energy

Feature "Security"
Cyber Security in the EU
First EU-wide cyber security rules established - What's new for European companies? Interview with Thorsten Ihler from Fieldfisher

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Current Challenges in EU Telecom Security
What is the current state of security for telecommunications in Europe and what are the challenges telecom companies are facing to keep our communication secure? Dr Dan Tofan, from the EU Cyber Security Agency, ENISA, gives insight into the challenges.
Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"
Reestablishing communications when disaster strikes
Bridging the Digital Divide

Feature "Networks"
Measuring Internet Routing Security
Megan Kruse from the Internet Society introduces the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative, which addresses the most common routing threats.

Feature "Networks"
How can Enterprises Safeguard their Data and Digital Resources?
Dr. Thomas King from DE-CIX explains how an IX platform can shield networks from a range of malicious and accidental security incidents.
Industry Insights "Networks"
Carpet Bombing on Digital Infrastructures – Pragmatic Approaches in DDoS Protection and Data Protection

Feature "Email Best Practices"
Email Blocklists for Real-Time Detection and Mitigation
Patrick Ben Koetter from eco Email & Anti-Abuse Competence Groups speaks to Lars Steffen from eco about blocklists, allowlists & the value of reputation.
Industry Insights "Email Best Practices"
Email Tracking and EU Privacy Laws

Feature "Connectivity"
Building the Infrastructure for the Future Driving Experience
Realizing the vision of the connected and self-driving car of the future will require significant advances in connectivity, and the IoT will need to be built into the landscape to provide a seamless user experience. Klaus Landefeld, Vice-Chair of the Board at the eco Association, on the intelligent highway.
Industry Insights "Connectivity"
The Car as Connected Platform — Connecting Stakeholders in the Automotive Industry

Feature "Networks"
New Hope from Space
Ivo Ivanov from DE-CIX, on how satellite infrastructure will support bringing the digital universe of services to the user – wherever necessary.
Industry Insights "Networks"
SCS – “Stacking sovereignty” for Gaia-X applications
Edge: Counter-Revolution or Evolution?

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Accessing Diverse Cloud Services and Securing Business Critical Applications
Moving into the cloud offers companies enormous potential for cost savings and simplifying their company IT. At the same time, the cloud can pose its own risk, as companies need to be able to guarantee that their business-critical applications will have uninterrupted availability. In this modern business environment, simplifying access to the cloud is a logical step to support all players in the digital economy. dotmagazine spoke to Dr. Thomas King from DE-CIX about bringing Internet and cloud service providers together, and offering enterprises secure solutions.
Industry Insights "Cloud Computing"
Digital Hypes & Their Consequences: Optimal Cloud Infrastructure for Data Monsters
The Impact of Digitalization on Business Communications

Feature "Digital Infrastructure"
Why the Internet Holds Firm: Internet Infrastructure in Times of Covid-19
Dr. Christoph Dietzel from DE-CIX investigates how much short-term growth the Internet can actually sustain, and what the limiting factors are.

Feature "Networks"
Why Low Latency is Essential in Times of Accelerated Digitalization
Dr. Thomas King from DE-CIX explains the importance of latency in the digital world and shows how applications depend on low-latency for a seamless user experience.

Feature "Networks"
doteditorial May 2017
What is the economic value and impact of connectivity? What needs to be done to enable the digital society of the future? What is the cost of high latency for a company doing business in China? The May 2017 issue of dotmagazine, “Connecting the World – What’s it Worth?” answers these and more network-related questions, and looks at traffic flows, the light in the fiber, and telecommunications in emergency relief.