- Digital Infrastructure | Networks | Data Center | Domains | Latency

Digital Infrastructures – Call for Contributions

Digital infrastructure enables the connectivity that we all enjoy and take for granted. dotmagazine’s Call for Contributions on how digital infrastructures lay the foundation for our digital world.

Digital Infrastructures – Call for Contributions-web

© Andrey Suslov| istockphoto.com

Digital infrastructure enables the connectivity that we all enjoy and take for granted. As the nucleus for the digital economy and society as a whole, digital infrastructure forms the foundation for the higher layers in all value chains and is becoming ever more imperative as digital transformation surges. Without high-speed networks and highly secure, available, and reliable data centers, there can be no digitalization.

For the dotmagazine issue on “Digital Infrastructures” in July/August 2024, we welcome articles from members, partners, and customers of the eco Association/DE-CIX Group that showcase how digital infrastructures lay the foundation for our digital world.


Submission date: 31 July 2024 (to be published on 21 August)


Contributions can take the form of:

  • Opinion articles
  • “How-to” articles
  • Research-based articles
  • Business story articles on a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) (see template)
  • Case studies (see template)
  • Interviews


Topic areas

We’d welcome stories looking at supporting business from perspectives such as:


  • Global connectivity (landline, satellite, etc.)
  • Getting closer to the Edge
  • Network security
  • Other

Data centers

  • Green IT
  • Innovative power & cooling systems
  • Data center design
  • Data center business models
  • Edge computing
  • Hubs & locations
  • Other

Domains & DNS

  • DNS developments
  • Fighting DNS abuse
  • Domain alignment
  • Other

Deployment of standards

  • IPv4 vs. IPv6
  • Universal Acceptance
  • Other

Latency & performance

  • Interconnectivity
  • Low latency for a seamless user experience
  • Other


You have a related burning topic that doesn’t fit into the categories above? Talk to us! dotmagazine@eco.de

Please note: your contribution should not be too technical – the focus should be more on the strategic level.

  • For information on dotmagazine style requirements, please see the Guidelines and Legal Conditions for Contributors to dotmagazine. By submitting a contribution to dotmagazine, you agree to these guidelines and also provide us with the requested author and company form.
  • For the purposes of planning, please contact dotmagazine@eco.de before submitting a contribution.
  • Given that the goal of the eco Association – as publisher of dotmagazine – is the responsible shaping of the Internet, promoting diversity is in our deepest interest. To boost the profile of women in the Internet industry, we are particularly keen to have the voices of women heard in our industry insights. We therefore especially welcome articles, quotes, and case studies which are (co-)written by, feature, or quote Women in Tech.
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