Multi Cloud

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Simplifying Multi-Cloud Environments for Digital Transformation
Christine B. Müller from IBM Deutschland looks at the value of adopting a multi-cloud strategy.

Feature "Gaia-X"
Europe's Next-Generation Cloud Infrastructure
The EU has recognized the importance of the cloud for Europe’s common good, reports Andreas Weiss from the eco Association – with ambitious goals for the next five years.

Feature "Gaia-X"
Gaia-X – A Matter of Trust
Creating value collaboratively and driving competition requires decentralized approaches and trust, maintains Nils Klute from EuroCloud.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Multi Cloud Management – Trends and Challenges for Enterprises
Today, the question is not so much about whether companies are using cloud computing, but about how they are using it. A survey by Crisp Research and QSC on “Hybrid- and multi-cloud services among mid-sized companies in Germany” offers a key insight: Businesses are increasingly implementing multi-cloud structures, as Marc Sundermann from QSC shows.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Digital Hypes & Their Consequences: Optimal Cloud Infrastructure for Data Monsters
Issues such as IoT, deep learning, or blockchain call for enormous distributed IT resources. Without broadband and simple connects to cloud providers, multi cloud would become a nightmare, explains Alexander Frese from ITENOS.

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Freedom and Control of Data in the Multi-Cloud
Wally MacDermid, VP Cloud Business Development at Scality, on how companies can manage their multiple cloud services, avoid lock-in, and maintain data protection compliance.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
IG BCE Bonus Agency and x-ion Interconnect an Entire Industry
Christopher Bittles from x-ion shows how collective industry solutions can be implemented in the care insurance industry to meet changing customer expectations.

Feature "Gaia-X"
Open, Standardized and Interoperable: How Gaia-X will Enable Competition and Boost the Economy
“If value creation migrates to software, the cloud becomes more important,” says Dr. Oliver Mauss from plusserver, in interview with Nils Klute from EuroCloud.

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Data Protection in the Age of Digitalization - An Opportunity for Europe or an Offside Trap?
The fine line between protection and incapacitating society: Andreas Weiss, Director of EuroCloud Deutschland, looks at the ongoing debate on data protection and data security, cloud computing, and the impact of digitalization – and when too much defense hampers success.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
The Success of GAIA-X Will Depend on How Well a European Data Ecosystem Performs in the Free Market
Henrik Hasenkamp from gridscale, on the chances of success of GAIA-X, the cloud challenges for SMEs, and the future of cloud service provision.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Data Meshes in SMEs: A New View of Data
While revenues from data still often fail to materialize, data meshes could help to change that, as explained by Jans Krol of PROTOS Technologie and Lars Francke of Stackable in a EuroCloud article.

Feature "Digital Ecosystem"
Technologies and Business Models Posing Industry Challenges for System Integrators
Tailoring IT architectures to business models, having customers benefit from ecosystems, and opening up additional revenues with as-a-service offers – these types of market trends were the focus of the German IDG “Systemhauskongress”, which took place virtually this year.

Feature "Cloud Native"
Farewell to Hyperscalers’ Wild West Times
Can cloud native and sovereign clouds possibly co-exist? This is one core topic discussed by Maximilian Hille from cloud ahead with Dr Nils Kaufmann, Head of EuroCloud Native.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Value Creation in the Multi-Cloud Ecosystem
Companies often need outside help to manage cloud transformation, but even their service providers need support, clarifies Mareike Jacobshagen from DE-CIX.
Industry Insights "Multi Cloud"
Enabling Smarter Offices With Fiber to the Edge

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Optimizing Cloud Connectivity for Business Success
With multi-cloud gaining ground as a strategic advantage for companies, the lack of interoperability between cloud providers poses a challenge for cloud architects. Dr. Christoph Dietzel from DE-CIX, on optimizing connectivity between clouds to ensure seamless interoperability.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
dotmagazine's articles and interviews with a focus on Gaia-X – updated regularly

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Turning Customer Concerns into Supplier Interests: Using AI to Create a Service Ecosystem
SMEs can use AI to create their own service ecosystem by analyzing their customers’ concerns and offering them AI-powered solutions, explains Nils Klute from EuroCloud.
Industry Insights "Artificial Intelligence"
An AI-based Service Ecosystem for Industry 4.0

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Enabling Innovation – What GAIA-X offers SMEs
Andreas Weiss, Director of EuroCloud Deutschland e.V. and Head of the Digital Business Models division at eco, outlines how the new European data infrastructure project will enable innovation and give SMEs access to state-of-the-art digital infrastructure.
Industry Insights "Multi Cloud"
The Success of GAIA-X Will Depend on How Well a European Data Ecosystem Performs in the Free Market

Feature "Digital Infrastructure"
Leveraging Infrastructure Diversity for Business Success
Diversity is key for technical resilience. Where to start? Alleviate cloud concentration through a multi-cloud approach, advises Ivo Ivanov from DE-CIX.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Direct and Secure Interconnections to the Clouds: How Enterprises can Future-Proof their IT
Mareike Jacobshagen from DE-CIX, on creating a productive virtual office anywhere via DE-CIX and their many partners.

Feature "Cloud Native"
dotmagazine's articles and interviews on cloud topics, incl. articles from the Cloud Native initiative and EuroCloud – updated regularly