Economic Impact of Connectivity

Feature "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About Connectivity but Were Afraid to Ask
A look toward future trends in connectivity, data, and storage, and how Africa will overcome the “digital divide” by Gregory Gerot from BroadGroup.

Feature "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
Universal Acceptance of Internet Domain Names is a USD 9.8 Billion Opportunity
Analysys Mason assessment underscores importance of Universal Acceptance for the continued expansion of the Internet and demonstrates the economic power of internationalized domain names.

Feature "Routing & Reachability"
Anycast: The State-of-the-Art Technology to Secure Your Online Presence
So you have done everything to protect your online presence: You have redundant web servers, firewalls, DDoS protection in a high security data center, and much more. But… have you also considered your domain name server? If not, this could be your single point of failure, Klaus Darilion from explains.

Feature "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
Live Broadcasting – Driving the Infrastructure Requirements and Technologies of Future Viewing
What is the impact of a major international sporting event on Internet traffic flows? What are the infrastructure challenges for delivering live sporting coverage via streaming? How do fans use second screens during international tournaments? How can providers offer their end-customers the best of both worlds when it comes to sport viewing pleasure? And when will it be possible to have a fully immersive VR experience of live sporting events from the comfort of your own home? Klaus Landefeld, Board Member for Infrastructure and Networks at the eco Association, explains.

Feature "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
Digital Infrastructure - Key to Economic Development
The key to the digital future – of manufacturing, logistics, travel, retail, and communication – is providing secure, low-latency digital infrastructure. Cinia Group’s Jukka-Pekka Joensuu looks at how the new industrial revolution will change the way business is done around the globe.

Feature "Smart City"
Smart City & Smart Home – The Opportunities and Benefits for Companies
How can companies position themselves to participate in the phenomenal growth expected in the smart city and smart home markets in the coming years? Lars Riegel from Arthur D Little, author of the eco association studies on smart city and smart home in Germany, explains.

Feature "Digital Transformation"
Solving Tomorrow’s Problems with Smart City Methodology
While the image of smart cities is often portrayed as a utopian future, one of the main drivers behind the development is, according to Roman Mendle from ICLEI, the rather scary, dystopian forecast for urbanization over the next 20 years. dotmagazine spoke to Roman about the advantages of the smart city methodology, and how we need to change the way we conceive of urban spaces.
Industry Insights "Digital Transformation"
How to Choose the Right IoT Platform for Your Needs
Cloud Access: Resist Naive Assumptions

Feature "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
European Companies Risk Success in China Through Slow Websites
Alex Nam explains the findings of a survey by CDNetworks showing the enormous potential and brand image that European organizations are losing due to bad loading times in China, and offers advice for getting the company website functioning behind the Great Firewall of China.

Feature "Digital Education"
Some Examples of How ICT Can Help Us Solve Our Global Issues
The United Nations has defined 17 “Sustainable Development Goals”, SDGs. They range from ending poverty to solving our energy issues to ensuring that education is available for all. Technology can help us reach some of these goals. Here is how.
Industry Insights "Digital Education"
Smart Campus – Merging Smart City and Smart Home in Education for Digital Natives

Feature "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
Information and Energy: The Ultimate Paradigm for Growth of the Digital Economy
How can we build the digital society of the future? How does connectivity influence economic growth and the employment market? And what investments need to be made today to enable the transformation of tomorrow’s business world? Internet industry specialist and strategy and management consultant Gerd Simon talks to dotmagazine about the economic impact of connectivity, getting the next billion online, and the road to digital transformation.
Industry Insights "Economic Impact of Connectivity"
European Companies Risk Success in China Through Slow Websites
Digital Infrastructure - Key to Economic Development
Live Broadcasting – Driving the Infrastructure Requirements and Technologies of Future Viewing
Universal Acceptance of Internet Domain Names is a USD 9.8 Billion Opportunity
Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About Connectivity but Were Afraid to Ask

Feature "Networks"
doteditorial May 2017
What is the economic value and impact of connectivity? What needs to be done to enable the digital society of the future? What is the cost of high latency for a company doing business in China? The May 2017 issue of dotmagazine, “Connecting the World – What’s it Worth?” answers these and more network-related questions, and looks at traffic flows, the light in the fiber, and telecommunications in emergency relief.