Digital Ethics

Feature "Sustainability"
Digital Responsibility & Sustainability – Call for Contributions
The digital industry is in a prime position to tackle a wide range of societal challenges. dotmagazine’s Call for Contributions on being part of the solution.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Bias in AI Decisions – Causes and Countermeasures
Ludwig Brummer from Alexander Thamm GmbH looks at where bias in AI decisions can come from and how to deal with algorithmic bias in practice.

Feature "Digital Ethics"
The Best Business Objective for 2019
Vittorio Bertola from Open-Xchange looks at freedom and corporate social responsibility in the context of digitalization, and how Europe needs to respond to the global transformation.

Feature "Digital Ethics"
Value-Based Management of a Company and Digital Transformation
Sabine Zimmermann from Initiative Digital explains how SMEs can approach digital transformation without relinquishing their core values.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Using AI to Support People with Disabilities in the Workplace
How can people with disabilities benefit from digital technologies and AI in the workplace? Hauke Timmermann of the eco Association introduces the research project KI.ASSIST.

Feature "Digital Ethics"
Trusted Transactions
Member of the eco Association Presidency Committee Stefanie Kemp reports on the state of trust in online services and its impact on business.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Trusting in AI: Why Algorithms Have to Explain Themselves
Wherever AI supports people, above all trust is needed in the technology. Nils Klute of the eco Association explains how we can test and certify trusted AI applications.

Feature "Domains"
Sustainability Reporting: dotBERLIN’s Journey to More Sustainability
Dirk Krischenowski from dotBERLIN takes us through the steps in assessing company sustainability, taking action & developing a roadmap to become a wholly sustainable company by 2025.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Teaching AI to Learn
Prof. De Kai explains how AI can learn independently, and why we need to be careful to offer good role models for them to learn from.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Unconscious Bias and AI
Senior Manager for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at Deutsche Telekom IT, Kenza Ait Si Abbou Lyadini, explains how bias can be embedded into algorithms.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
UX4AI: New Rules of the Game for humankind and Machines
The interface between man and machine must be continuously redefined and AI must involve humans in decisions, reports Nils Klute from EuroCloud.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
AI – A Perspective on Human Rights and Society
Prof. Michael Rotert, eco Honorary President, looks at how industry and policy makers can shape and steer the impact AI has on human dignity and human rights.

Feature "Digital Ethics"
Working with AI - Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in a Digitalized Working World
Lucia Falkenberg, CPO of the eco Association, on working with AI & Corporate Social Responsibility, valuing the work of humans, and the need for lifelong learning in a changing working world.

Feature "Digital Ethics"
“This has been a tremendous experience” – Interview with Thomas Rickert
In the eco Association’s 25th anniversary year, Lars Steffen speaks to Thomas Rickert about the initiation of the eco Complaints Office, the CSA, and further initiatives for an Internet with Responsibility.
Industry Insights "Digital Ethics"
The Centralization of Data

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Artificial Intelligence: Recommendations for Action for Future-Oriented Politics
To fully harness AI’s potential, eco Chair of the Board Oliver J. Süme urges politicians to promote societal acceptance and to strengthen both digital infrastructures and research & development.

Feature "Digital Ethics"
Digital Education as the Foundation of Digital Ethics in the Interconnected World
The interconnected world of tomorrow calls for an ethical approach to digital education today, a topic delved into by eco’s Managing Director Alexander Rabe.
Industry Insights "Digital Ethics"
Teaching AI to Learn

Feature "Digital Ethics"
Ethics in Digitalization
Henning Lesch from the eco Association explores the need to adapt approaches to regulation in response to the global challenges of digitalization, and the role that self-regulation can play in this transformation.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Artificial Intelligence in Support of Humans – Transparency, Trust, & Decision-Making
Prof. Norbert Pohlmann, on the need for transparency in algorithms, and keeping the human being in the decision-making loop in the development of AI systems.

Feature "Digital Ethics"
doteditorial: Ethical Standards for Digital Technologies: Evolution Instead of Revolution?
Oliver Süme, Chair of the eco Association, looks at how the development of ethical guidelines for digitalization requires the active involvement of all stakeholders within and across societies around the globe.

Feature "Security"
Trustworthiness Creates Trust
Prof. Norbert Pohlmann from the eco Association and Ulla Coester from xethix Empowerment on the approach IT companies need to take to engender trust.
Industry Insights "Security"
DMARC is Here to Stay. Now What?

Feature "Digital Ethics"
The Digital Responsibility Goals – It’s All About Trust
Jutta Juliane Meier from Identity Valley introduces the Digital Responsibility Goals (DRGs) for designing trustworthy technological products and services.
Industry Insights "Digital Ethics"
Closing the Gap – Preparing the Workforce of the Interconnected Future
Sea of Data: Marispace-X Connects Ecosystems

Feature "Internet Governance"
doteditorial: How the Industry is Taking Responsibility for a Better Internet
The key to maintaining the energy and innovation of digitalization, and ensuring societal safeguards, is industry self-regulation. The issues of trust, integrity, and privacy are now taking center stage – and the solution is that of socially responsible self-regulation, says Lars Steffen, Director of eco International.