Cloud Native

Feature "Cloud Computing"
More Agile and Resilient: Cloud Native Market Taking Off in Germany
Recent survey reveals how SMEs are making their business models & IT systems more agile and resilient via the public cloud, reports Nils Klute from EuroCloud.

Feature "Cloud Native"
Cooperation with Cloud Natives as a Time Machine for System Integrators
Dr. Nils Kaufmann, Bernd Krakau, and Felix Höger talk to Thomas Sprenger about how system integrators and cloud natives complement each other.

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Less Risk, More Business: How Cloud Native Technologies Modernize Applications
Those who modernize applications make their business more flexible. Ronny Olm from GECKO Software & Dr Josef Adersberger of QAware, on how agile software galvanizes business models.

Feature "Cloud Computing"
How EuroCloud Native is Giving SMEs a Taste of the Public Cloud
One year of EuroCloud Native (ECN): What drives the initiative and what does it want to do for SMEs. An outlook from Dr. Nils Kaufmann, Head of ECN.

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Cloud Native: Giving Customers and Applications a Chance to Breathe
An interview with Heiko Henkes from ISG Germany and Dr. Nils Kaufmann, Head of EuroCloud Native on what’s needed to digitalize customer relationships and evaluate data-based product lifecycles effectively.

Feature "Cloud Native"
Paradigm with Pitfalls: Cloud Native Saving IT Costs in SMEs
Cloud native solutions can be your path to cost savings and IT efficiency – as long as you identify and overcome any pitfalls, as advised by Nils Klute from EuroCloud.

Feature "Cloud Native"
Cloud Native: More Responsibility via Decoupling Software Building Blocks and Connectivity
Headless CMS enhances responsibility on the strength of cloud native, a development spelt out by Nils Klute from EuroCloud

Feature "Cloud Native"
Sustainable Cloud Native Software: Intelligently balancing economy and ecology
Nils Klute talks to Marc Schröter, globaldatanet, and Sebastian Ullrich, PROTOS Technologie, about how cloud native technology makes IT more sustainable.

Feature "Cloud Native"
When Hacks Target Software: What SMEs Should Know About Cloud Native Technology
Nils Klute from EuroCloud explains how IT risks such as log4j can be easily fended off with cloud native technologies.

Feature "Cloud Native"
More Sustainable with Cloud: Economies of Scale for the Environment and Climate
What can be the key to more sustainability? Cloud technologies, spells out Nils Klute from EuroCloud Germany.

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Cloud Natives to Acquire a Voice of their Own
To pave the way for a better understanding of public cloud potential, cloud natives need their own platform, explain Dr. Nils Kaufmann and Thomas Noglik of EuroCloud. The solution? The new Cloud Native initiative.

Feature "Cloud Native"
Farewell to Hyperscalers’ Wild West Times
Can cloud native and sovereign clouds possibly co-exist? This is one core topic discussed by Maximilian Hille from cloud ahead with Dr Nils Kaufmann, Head of EuroCloud Native.

Feature "Cloud Computing"
More Robust in Business: How SMEs can Increase Digital Resilience Cloud-Natively
Nils Klute from EuroCloud looks at how companies deal with unpredictable events more agilely and secure business operations on the strength of cloud native.
Industry Insights "Cloud Computing"
Cloud Native Security: Security from the Start

Feature "Cloud Native"
20 Years of CloudFest: The World’s Largest Cloud Conference
Twenty years of innovation & collaboration have been celebrated at CloudFest, with EuroCloud’s Michael Hase catching up on the event's significance with its organizers.

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Baking Security into the Cloud: DevSecOps and Cloud Native
Developers, operations professionals, and security experts need to work hand-in-hand in the public cloud to ensure the security of applications, writes Nils Klute from EuroCloud.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Value Creation in the Multi-Cloud Ecosystem
Companies often need outside help to manage cloud transformation, but even their service providers need support, clarifies Mareike Jacobshagen from DE-CIX.
Industry Insights "Multi Cloud"
Enabling Smarter Offices With Fiber to the Edge

Feature "New Work"
Finding Skilled Workers via New Work Strategies in the Cloud Native Market
New Work strategies in the cloud native market help to find and retain skilled workers, as affirmed in Nils Klute’s interview with EuroCloud Germany members.
Industry Insights "New Work"
Upgraded Digital Products at the Kick-Off of the 2023 Rugby World Cup

Feature "Cloud Native"
More Trust in the Digital Space: The Cloud and Gaia-X
Nils Klute from Eurocloud looks at how to develop digital added value via the cloud so that technology comes more naturally to SMEs.
Industry Insights "Cloud Native"
Data Meshes in SMEs: A New View of Data

Feature "Cloud Computing"
SMEs and the Public Cloud: Business Opportunities for Providers and Customers
With cloud native technologies offering increasing advantages for SME business models, Nils Klute from eco highlights how growth opportunities can be achieved via a middle ground with the public cloud.
Industry Insights "Cloud Computing"
Business Apps: Luxury or Necessity for Your Company?
The GAFAM Cloud Risks: Why Consumers need European Alternatives

Feature "Cloud Computing"
The 7 Challenges Facing Cloud Native Service Providers
Cloud native start-ups are usually too small to have their voices featured in major projects and heard by hyperscalers. EuroCloud wants to change that, explain Dr. Nils Kaufmann and Thomas Noglik.

Feature "Cloud Native"
dotmagazine's articles and interviews on cloud topics, incl. articles from the Cloud Native initiative and EuroCloud – updated regularly