
Feature "Domains"
To block or takedown: How to treat malicious activity on the Internet?
Billions are lost annually to cybercrime. Malware, phishing, ransomware—threats loom large. Sven Krohlas, a Detection Engineer at Spamhaus Technology Ltd, delves into the critical need for companies to recognize the threats posed by malware and phishing attacks.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
AI and Cybersecurity – What to Expect and How to Protect your Organization
Innovations in AI are making social engineering attacks on companies more effective, explains Dr. Niklas Hellemann from SoSafe Cyber Security Awareness.

Feature "DNS"
The Debate around Defining, Preventing and Mitigating DNS Abuse
What is DNS abuse? Simone Catania from InterNetX looks at the definition of DNS abuse and describes scenarios for prevention and mitigation.

Feature "Company Security"
IT Security in Companies – Untrained, it is a Simple Attack Vector
When it comes to IT security, you cannot be too careful, explains Detlev Weise from exploqii – a KnowBe4 company.

Feature "Company Security"
Customer Fail-Story: Fail with Phishing Simulations – Or Celebrate Success
David Kelm from IT-Seal provides a vivid illustration of how important well-implemented phishing simulations are for staff IT security awareness.

Feature "Company Security"
Phishing in the Pandemic – How Hackers Exploit the ‘Human Factor’
Dr. Niklas Hellemann from SoSafe GmbH, on the psychology of cyber attacks and security awareness, and the growing sophistication of phishing.

Feature "Company Security"
Creating a “Human Firewall” for IT Security
Psychologist and social engineer Christina Lekati from Cyber Risk GmbH explains the psychological basis of phishing and how to arm staff with effective defenses.