What's New in eco March 2017
A selection of recent eco news and forthcoming activities

WHD.global 2017 – Meet the eco team there!
25 – 31 March 2017 – Europa-Park | Rust | Germany
WHD.global and eco have taken their longstanding cooperation to a new level. The association will encourage interaction between politics and the industry in a high-ranking panel discussion on the topic of network policy, and in the planned Meet & Greet with political representatives on location at their own booth. Read more

Call for contributions: dotmagazine - Connectivity & Networks
The eco International team is inviting contributions for the May 2017 issue on Connectivity & Networks. Focus topics will include:
- Network Security
- Human Rights: Getting the Next Billion Onlin
- Internet Backbon
- Economic Impact of Connectivity

European Copyright Law: eco Study Questions the Planned Copyright Reform
European ancillary copyright is no longer up to date, given recent rapid technological developments. An update was meant to reshape the legal framework and make it future-proof. However, the draft of the copyright regulation that the European Commission presented in September 2016 does not actually do this. Read more

Blockchain Could Fundamentally Change the German Economy
The blockchain will fundamentally change the German economy within the next 10 years. This is what 32 percent of managers in German SMEs believe, according to a current YouGov survey. Read more

Spam Filters Prefer Quality to Quantity
Spam filters increasingly check incoming emails more restrictively by means of reported reactions of recipients. “Once the first receivers in a campaign delete the unread email or mark it as spam, it is quite likely that the remaining messages won’t reach their addressees,” says Julia Janßen-Holldiek, CSA Manager Business Development & ISP Relations. Read more

EU Must Adapt its Old Satellite and Cable Directive to the Digital Age
Ten years ago, TV consumption predominantly took place in front of the television – whereas today, consumer behavior has profoundly changed in light of modern technologies. The present-day TV consumer makes intensive use of the available media channels, starting from television and radio programs, to cable, satellite, Internet and mobile networks. However, what is – for the end consumer – one and the same means different legal conditions and complex acquisition of rights for the respective providers. Read more

Anti-Virus Protection a Must for Production Robots
IoT-interconnected production facilities independently control the production process and react in close to real time. “In more and more SMEs, systems are evolving into smart production facilities. For this reason, we need security concepts that effectively protect against external threats,” according to Dr. Bettina Horster, Director of Mobile at eco – Association of Internet Industry. Read more

Digital Identities Prevent Password Theft
In the high-tech world we live in today, secure digital identities are essential. Users want to be reliably identified not just when they are doing online banking. More and more applications in the cloud or on the smartphone require users to be able identify themselves securely and unambiguously. But how can the situation we prevent someone from claiming to be someone else online? Read more